Welcome to Vortak Games! Small independent owned store by a long time gamer! Thanks for visiting!
We are offering PREORDERS for games that are in crowdfuding status, these are on request, please email us at vortakgames@gmail.com using the subject line PREORDER to inquire!
HIDDEN MOVEMENT: A Challenging Puzzle Exploration. This game is equal parts silly, tense, fun, and intriguing. Everyone is going to be laughing when they or another player end up teleporting across the map or run into a ghost or a pig. The twists, turns, and teleports that make it hilarious are also important pieces of the puzzle that you will use to help piece together your location on the map. Every action you take will reveal clues that can be the deciding factor in winning the game!
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Use Psychic Action Powers. Your quest to quickly deliver pizza will be aided by your psychic abilities. Each deliverer will start the game with special abilities and can earn more as they navigate through the town and banish ghosts. Psychic powers like the "Pizza Sense" or "Psychic Eye" add additional ways to deduce the layout of the ghost town by providing clues as to where the pizza or homes might be located! Wandering around in the dark doesn’t have to be scary!
DUAL USE FUNCTIONAL BOX: The game box also serves as a critical game component. It’s where The Mayor sets up the hidden map.
FUN TOKENS: Ghost, teleport, pizza, and house tokens add a sense of whimsy and humor to the game.
A 3-5 player, 30-45 minute playing time, family, friendS, and kids game.